Sunday, March 4, 2012

This year plan

It's already march and my state of hibernating is slowly wearing off,just to find myself in position i don't want to be, not really knowing where to start.Over the winter I did a lot of research of what could be done in area where we live in and with the space we have right now,  about 0.3 acres or 400 tsubos (Japanese measure of land)of space that is next to the household or close to it,about same acreage that is within 2km, plus couple of rice paddies that are scattered within the village(right now these we rent to the neighbor but from the next year they'll be back to us) also we have some of wooded area (mostly bamboo) which is not to far from the house. possibilities seemed  to be endless,but after weeding thru cons and pros that "endless" come to be couple of  possible solutions due to the position,practicality,cost and other reasons.So after family meeting we made couple of decisions for this season, first is to partially convert a large garden in to an orchard and this seem to be quiet large project since the garden used to be rice paddy until 10 years ago when some of the ground was excavated and new soil with less water retention was added but still more than 70% of the garden is heavy clay and we need to re-dig the water channel so doesn't obstruct the flow to the neighbors rice field ,we still figuring what kind of trees and shrubs we would like to have .Next is building a green house that we would use for year round herb production with the surplus that could be sold thru small green grocery store that village own or to couple of  restaurants and cafe that are owned by my friends(lets hope that we do come to this level of production). I'm planing to add aquaponic system to it as the finances allow.Third project is already ongoing four fruit and vegetable gardens that we started some 5 years ago when we first moved here.two smaller ones are next to the house and are used for the more care needed annual plants and two larger are quiet distance from zero zone,these are laid with the crop that needs less attention and could be harvested in one session,like potatoes,garlic,soybeans etc.. Wish projects would be small apiary if I'm lucky enough to find somebody in my area to learn from ,Chicken pen for eggs and maybe small rabbitry  for some meat and fertilizer but it all depends, still need to calculate feed cost and way to protect the animals since there is no fence on the property. Well list could go on and on but we'll start one thing at the time


  1. Look forward to returning, to see more of your blog. Your journey is admirable. Like to see your tattoo artist one day too. Best wishes from Australia.

    1. Thank you very much for taking the time,I just visit your blog and WOW that place you own is piece of dream,that happy family and art for living ,couldn't ask for more :D.
      Greetings and best wishes from Hasama. can check my work on my face book page it's on my profile,or on my webpage ,It haven't been updated for long long time sorry for that.
